Marisol’s Resilience: a Venezuelan mother’s journey for her family

Marisol’s story is a testimony to the unwavering strength of a mother’s love and determination. The journey of Marisol*, a Venezuelan woman facing unexpected challenges, unfolds as she navigates uncharted territories in search of a better life for her family.

“You never imagine that your life and your family’s life can change so much in the blink of an eye. One day you are calm at home with a stable job, and the next you are in another country without knowing anyone, looking for how to survive and guarantee your children the minimum to be well,” shares Marisol, her voice echoing the experiences of thousands of Venezuelan families facing similar situations in Colombia.

A mother’s sacrifice for her children

Marisol, 44, is the mother of two children, Carlos*, 9, and Kelvis*, 3. Her decision to leave her country was prompted by the health crisis affecting her children in Venezuela. Marisol was faced with the harsh reality of having her youngest son diagnosed with malnutrition at just 4 months old.

“I resigned from my job as a public accountant in a pharmaceutical company, because of the country’s situation, and my youngest son was diagnosed with malnutrition. That made me leave the few things I had.” Marisol recounts.

A new beginning in Colombia

Arriving in Bucaramanga, Colombia, at the end of 2019, Marisol sought humanitarian asylum to access crucial health services for her children. Driven by her determination to provide for her family, she explored various economic opportunities. From caring for other children to selling homemade quesillo desserts.

Marisol also ventured into virtual courses in digital marketing, photography, business plans, as well as tailoring and dressmaking.

“All these studies I’ve done for my greatest motivation, my children and my family. For them, I get up every day, thinking every day will be better,” Marisol expresses, showing her resilience and commitment to a brighter future.

Empowered by education and support

Through courses, training, and the support of Colombian public institutions and NGOs, Marisol transformed her skills into a thriving business. Today, she bakes cakes and pastries, sells red wine, and makes chocolate, providing income for her family.

Expressing gratitude for the assistance received during tough times, Marisol said, “I thank SOS Children’s Villages because they helped us during such a difficult time due to food shortage and also provided psychosocial care to me and my children. It’s a great joy to know that we have an organisation that empowers us through accompaniment, where I feel strengthened and welcomed.”

A lifeline in tough times

Marisol’s journey spans over three years since the decision to leave her country of origin. It’s a journey marked by hardship, but also by the help and support they’ve received from various individuals, public institutions, and organisations, like SOS Children’s Villages in Colombia.

In Colombia, SOS Children’s Villages provides crucial humanitarian response to the refugee and migrant population from Venezuela, reaching approximately 71,000 people between 2020 and 2022. Marisol’s story is a testament to these initiatives, offering hope and inspiration in the face of adversity.

*Names changed to protect the privacy of the individuals

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