In today’s interconnected world, crises seem to unfold on a daily basis. However, the truth is that many of these are not isolated incidents, but rather deeply intertwined with global events.
For instance, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has triggered widespread shortages of food and energy resources worldwide. Similarly, the Horn of Africa is currently reeling from the worst drought in four decades, compounded by soaring food and fuel prices due to the same conflict. Shockingly, 5.7 million children in the region are now acutely malnourished.
In the face of these immense challenges, our commitment to children and the future is unwavering. We will stand by these vulnerable young lives today, and in all the years to come.
Across 135+ countries, teams of experts from SOS Children’s Villages are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with families in their darkest hour. When disaster strikes, we act with speed and precision to provide life-saving assistance to those who need it most – whether it’s food, shelter, or medicine.
However, our mission goes beyond simply addressing immediate needs. We know that true resilience is built over time, through sustained effort and support. That’s why we offer long-term support, through interventions such as our Family Strengthening Programme, supporting families to get back on their feet and prepare them for the next emergency.
For us, the work doesn’t stop when the headlines fade away. We understand that the effects of an emergency can last for years, especially for children who are most vulnerable to the trauma of disaster. That’s why we remain committed to providing ongoing support and care, to ensure that every child has a chance to grow up healthy, happy, and secure.